Just wondering?


Apr 6, 2002
Two Harbors, MN
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Because Jonas is such a huge fan of the late singer/songwriter Jeff Buckley, I was wondering this, did Jonas write the song "Saw You Drown" in tribute to Jeff Buckley? I only ask this because Jeff died right around the same time as the song came out, and yes, Jeff did drown. Any info on this would be awesome!!!!
Now that you mention this connection with Jeff Buckley, I see this song under another light...but it could be highly probable that u are right...
It would be nice if Jonas or Anders could give us a clue...
hmn, im certain this has been brought up more than a few times but yes i think there might be a connection, although what you really should ask yourselves is did Jeff want to/plan his death...

Jeff Buckley song lyric quotes:

''im not afraid to die''

''...this body will never seem safe from harm''

''stay with me under these waves tonight, be free for once in your life...tonight''

well those are just of the top of my head, if i can ever be bothered to unearth some stupid conspiracy theory quotes, which i wont i can add more.

anyway its a great song.