K-Micro microphones Review!

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Karma's K-Micro microphones

First off, these mics are REALLY cheap. Like about $12 or 13US each or something.

I bought the 7pack, which came in a pretty dodgy box, but for the $5 extra or whatever it costs I guess its alright.

The mics themselves are REALLY small. Just over the size of my thumb. They were advertised as being able to fit into any place on a kit. True, but.. read on.

They're fairly good as room mics. They're pretty messy, and not totally accurate, but clarity and accuracy aren't really things you need in a room mic.

As close-mics they seem to be pretty awful. I haven't experimented with them much, only on a floor tom, but the transient response is TERRIBLE. Really bad.
And although, as advertised, you can stick them anywhere, they distort pretty badly in the highend if you stick em close to anything. I tried turning the gain on the preamps down.. but it was already on zero! They are loud microphones.
So they might be useful if you just want to replace the toms or something later on, and need something to pick the transients up, but you're probably gonna have to go through and edit each transient out because they all meld into one.

Clips are worth 1000 words.. here are some.

I didn't have my snare in the mono room kit, so thats why there aren't any 'proper' beats. Apologies for my dodgy playing, haven't played in.. many months. Also, this is in a garage. Trashy, bad acoustics, etc.

'Room' stereo (KMicro on either side of the kit, 1/2 a metre away, hardpanned, no processing):

Room Mono (a few metres away, in front of the kit, close to the ground):

Toms (alternates between 1st and 3rd tom, one mic at a time):

'Mix' (Stereo room mics and tom close mics, no processing, panned):

Overall, they're not great mics but for about $13US/each they're pretty good. I'm disappointed that they were advertised as being good up to 145dB, but they're obviously not (or maybe just super sensitive to low frequencies). Makes them practically unusable for any toms. Strange cos I read a few reviews on them saying they were amazing on toms (slightly eq'd sound, etc.).. :(