Kalmah Photos


Swamplords For Life!
Nov 5, 2006
Hey guys, either I missed an update on the site or I have never ever seen these Pictures of the Swamplords before. Check out the press photos section of the website. If these are old sorry :erk: if they are new :rock:
Did you notice something covering Marcos feet in one of the pictures? It looks like it was photoshoped in. I guess he had like Nike shox on or something lol. Also on the paddles in a few pictures there is a name of a Finnish beer =)
The beer on the paddles is this one...

One of my favorites <3!!! i havent seen these before either...nice pics imo...
lol, these are awesome, definitely new since Marco is in them, particularly love the swamp man in the boat, suppose some of these will be in the album booklet.
Jaa, ni har bara älg piss :D:D How come you drink Lappari? Is it common in stores overthere?

haha "älg piss" no way dude...thats the great stuff right there!!!...pretty common yes...anyways i like it...thats prolly why i drink it :p
well... the ones I took at Hevi-Iltamat arent that nice but since the guys are there Im posting the link. Im also uploading a couple videos to youtube for you to enjoy ;) ill give the links later in the proper thread :D

They're soooo adorable:notworthy
And yes, i envy you! ;)

"adorable" is very accurate :grin:

some of my friends whom i had to show the pictures said i look like their singer - OMG! id kill for that :p

these were amazing moments... still somewhat cant believe ive been there and talked to them and seen them on stage... madness!
"adorable" is very accurate :grin:

some of my friends whom i had to show the pictures said i look like their singer - OMG! id kill for that :p

these were amazing moments... still somewhat cant believe ive been there and talked to them and seen them on stage... madness!

happens to be one of my life goals no lie haha i dont care if i have to fly allthe way from the US to see them but i will not die with out seeing them live and speaking to them!!!!