Kalmah - The Black Waltz


Unohduksen Lapsi
Oct 14, 2003
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Since there was something about the new Norther album why not this one too. Finnish melodeath band Kalmah are currently in studio recording a new album called "The Black Waltz". The planned release is early 2006. The studio diary and song tittles can be found at http://www.kalmah.com/studio.htm The two samples from DEMO 2004 at downloads section are from the new album if you wanna check out what to expect.
I can't wait! EToS' and Norther's new albums are coming out soon too!(Kinda)
i cant wait til the new kalmah and norther albums are in my hands. i really wouldnt worry about them coming out with a bad album. especially with helloween's keeper III, that jsut raised the bar.