Kalmah Wallpapers?


New Metal Member
Nov 30, 2005
Anyone got any Kalmah wallpapers?
It would be greatly appreciated :)

...Or some coverart, or, well, basically anything...
I remember someone posted a wallpaper here a long time ago. I think it was mostly black and white and the name was written in green. It was great and I used it until my hard-drive crashed and I lost it. Anyone still have that?
Kalmah said:
Obviosly you guys are not "fan enough" because Kalmah site has provided wallpapers almost 3 years and you haven`t even noticed..:). http://www.kalmah.com/graphics.htm
or maybe they are fans enough to make something like an own wallpaper to show how much they like tha band? ;) no dobut, i like the official wallpapears very much, I even use them on my computer :worship: