Kalmah's Songs


F.ck U , Please bannnnn this user!

I think it's Okay to download a few songs
to get an impression of an album and if
i think it's good i am sure to buy it.

It isn't that expensive if you compare it with ''normal'' cd's.
I think it's okayto download songs, it's good to know what you're in for and stuff, AS LONG AS YOU GET THE ALBUM LATER! I know sometimes I burn CDs from friends and that's a wrong thing to do so I always buy them afterwards :D I think if you are a true fan though.. getting the albums should be the first thing you think of, not trying to download it.. it's a more respectful aspect to the band :loco:
hibernal_dream said:
The guy lives in Pakistan - don't assume that everyone can just go down the street and buy the albums.
Don't be so naive. He's got, at the very least, access to a computer with an internet connection and means to store data (eg: mp3s). He's clearly more well off than most Pakistanis and should be able to buy the CDs online/eBay/nearest store.