Kamelot at BB king's Tomorrow!


Aug 9, 2005
Anyone heading out to this?

I can't wait to see them, this is going to be so cool.

Been listening to the Black Halo forever, nonstop.

Going to see them in Seattle next month. I do not like Epica though. Saw them live at ProgPower on Saturday and was bored out of my skull.
Operatika!They can't possibly be good with a name like that.
Why do Kamelot let Epica follow them around everywhere just because they named themselves after an album of theirs?
:eek:... FUcking bullshit.

Why can't they fucking come to VANCOUVER damnit.
"Operatika!They can't possibly be good with a name like that." actually they are fucking amazing. Its like nightwish on steriods :p. the guitarist does some insane sweeps too.

I was thinking about going to this show but i'm so sick of kamelot. hated their past efforts, and i don't think they'll be playing their older songs. not a fan of epica either.
Dead_Lioness said:
I wanted to go to Jaxx to see Division when they opened for them last night
but I'm so sick :(

*blows her nose and throws it into the pile of tissues*

Sorry you're sick. We definitely missed you. ;)

It was a good show. Kamelot's actually better live than on CD, IMO, and Epica didn't annoy me while they were playing - and the "Crystal Mountain" cover was cool.

Annoying me during soundcheck was another matter, however...