Kamelot situation + CM as support


Feb 10, 2006
Hey guys, I'm glad that you'll be playing before Kamelot in Oslo, that should be a killer night with you, Evergrey and Kamelot all one evening :]

But still, it makes me curious about the situation in Kamelot. Mike, you were set to replace Khan on the North American tour, but they eventually cancelled it all, because they thought Kamelot without Khan is not going to be Kamelot at all. Now they want to put Fabio Lione behind the mic (oh well, as long as he doesn't talk too much, then it's acceptable), which is a worse choice I think.

Can any of you guys give us an answer what it is with Khan and Kamelot at the moment? And why all the complications... ?
Thanks for finding the post, it's exactly what I was looking for. Well, instead of replacing Khan with someone already established, I'd suggest the guys finding some new young gun to replace him, bring some new freshness around. After all, there were as many Khan's fans as those who think he overplays everything and acts on the verge of cheesines...
we won't miss Oslo performance Kamelot + Circus Maximus...what a great combo!! ...maybe Mr.Roy will come to see you too?!?! ;-)