New Kamelot DVD concert

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
I rented the new Kamelot DVD, One Cold Winter's Night from Netflix this past week and I am in heaven. Video and audio makes you feel like you're there!

I'm not the biggest Kamelot fan in the world, but they are one of my preferred modern metal bands. I say this so you know I'm not some obsessed fanboy heralding the second coming of Khan. I'm a fan of their music, and I'm an even bigger fan of their live performance on One Cold Winter's Night.

This DVD is astounding! The sound is better than on the studio recordings in some cases. The video is what makes this truly amazing...multiple cameras with creative views and very well edited (no annoying MTV-style flashing video cuts). The video focuses on Khan when he's delivering a special line, on the guitars when they are riffing or soloing, and the drummer when he's accenting the songs. Crowd shots and cool camera effects are used frequently, but in perfect timing. Best I've seen so far for concert video editing.

Kamelot, as a band, are virtually flawless in this performance, both musically and emotionally.

This was a very important concert for Kamelot, with the DVD recording and all, and special appearances by Simone Simons on vocals, Sascha Paeth on guitar, and Snowy Shaw playing Mephisto.

What an excellent job they've done...
That is a very nice dvd. Although I love The Black Halo, the setlist is a little too balanced on new stuff. There's only one song off the first 4 albums (Nights of Arabia) and everything else is off Karma/Epica/TBH. I by far prefer the later Kamelot but a few more tracks from the 4th Legacy and even something from the Vanderbilt years would've been nice.

Have you seen the Evergrey live dvd? It's filmed by the same production team and is visually IMO even better than this one.
Have you seen the Evergrey live dvd? It's filmed by the same production team and is visually IMO even better than this one.
Unfortunately, I bought that Evergrey DVD (Sixx, it's called A Night to Remember) when it first came out so I got one of them with the fucked up aspect ratio. Everything is all stretched and it's extremely annoying to watch. Also on the Evergrey DVD, I'm not a big fan of the sound. It sounds muddy (much like Evergrey's studio work) and muffled. I can't even hear the cymbols crashing. That irks me. So, for me, the Kamelot DVD blows away the Evergrey one.
It's called A Night to Remember, recorded in Sweden after the release of Inner Circle. Very classy show with a string quartet and everything, a lot of bonus material on the other disc as well.

@TSO, I didn't know about that aspect ratio thing, was that USA only? I can't remember having any particular issues with the sound but I understand what you mean about the "Evergrey-sound". It makes listening to some of their albums quite an effort because of the "heaviness" they're attempting to achieve. Their latest, Monday Morning Apocalypse, is the best sounding IMO, a bit more spacious in some way.
I agree the Kamelot DVD is excellent! I'm a fan so that makes it even better. I wish Khan's old band had done a full concert DVD, Conception was a great band.
Yeah, superb DVD from Kamelot...I also like the Evergrey DVD, both are very high standard works !!

I just got my hands on a very early Anthrax live bootleg video. With Turbin on vocals ofcourse..Quality sucks but damn that concert ROCKS !!