Kamelot - yea or nay?

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
I've seen Kamelot - The Black Halo appear on many top ten lists (#2 on mine), and a lot of people disputing such sacriledge (some to the extent of "Kamelot Sucks!").

A good friend of mine and I were recently discussing Kamelot. He and I share musical tastes aplenty, but he just doesn't get Kamelot the same way I do. He asked me a specific question that was hard for me to answer on the spot... What is it that you like Kamelot?

I have been aware of Kamelot for about 3 years now, and have owned Fourth Legacy, Karma, and Epica for 2 of those three years. I liked them all. But they have been hit and miss for me. I don't care much for speed metal, plain and simple. There was a little too much of the speedy stuff for me to put them on a pedastal in my musical garden. My favorite songs were the mid-tempo ones, but they were few and far between until 05s The Black Halo.

But why do I like them? It's not really the musicianship like other prog/power/speed metal bands. Other than the occasional riff, fill, or solo, it's very conservative when it comes to noodling or wanking. It's the songwriting that appeals to me, way more important than the speed or shredability. Songwriting, IMO, has always been what Kamelot's about: killer melodies, unique vocals, creative interpretations of their genre (beyond that of the Helloween clones).

And the most important factor: the singer. From opinions I've been reading, Khan is one of those "love 'im or hate 'im" vocalists. I don't understand that, and I'm firmly in the love 'im category. I doubt I'd like Kamelot nearly as much as I do if they had someone different on the lead mic.

I resisted Kamelot as a top band until some of my UMOS friends started harping on me about how good The Black Halo was. I bought it in April on their recommendations, still only liked it. Over the summer though, riding around in the mountains of Montana, I had occasion to spin the disc often. It got me. It took awhile, but Black Halo got me.

If not for my musical fetish with Arjen Lucassen's work, The Black Halo would've landed #1 on my list for 05.
I do like Kamelot, and I do believe "The Black Halo" does belong on a top ten of 2005. I found excellent songwriting (much better than Epica) and great emotive vocals by Khan.

Conception still rules in my book though.
I think most people think that if the vocalist has a clear and somewhat soft voice (like Khan does) and does no corny screams and high pitched madness, he's a sissy... Khan IMO has a very expressive and emotional voice.

I really do like screechers in the vein of Eric Adams or Daniel Heiman and generally dislike thin soft voiced metal singer (aplenty in 'power' metal), but I above all appreciate someone's interpretation, the ability to convey the feeling of the song to the listener... Khan is great at it.
Didn't listen to the Black Halo yet (but it seems I'll have to) and the only albums by Kamelot I really like is 4th Legacy (a masterpiece!) and Karma to some extent, Epica didn't get to me. And 4th Legacy is more than enough to assure me how great and underrated Khan is...
What TSO said :D I have nothing to add, agreed 100%.

Except maybe that one of their first albums Dominion (featuring their previous singer) is also worth mentionning, being very overlooked and even unknown by many Kamelot fans. Not as refined as their current standards but still worth a listen.
Fangface said:
What TSO said :D I have nothing to add, agreed 100%.

Except maybe that one of their first albums Dominion (featuring their previous singer) is also worth mentionning, being very overlooked and even unknown by many Kamelot fans. Not as refined as their current standards but still worth a listen.

Yep, I like Kamelot as well, including Dominion.
I guess that's an "aye"

I actually have a few mp3s from that Dominion album, Fang. I love it! It's more straight forward metal and is very good in that genre. I've went looking for that album a few times, but always come up empty. I still have my 3-4 mp3s though... I should dust them off this weekend.
Definitely a yea! Most of my favorite bands are either in a slight decline or have disbanded somewhere around 1989 but Kamelot just keeps getting better. The Black Halo is by far the best of 2005 and also their best work yet. 4th Legacy would be a good second, with Karma and Epica being classy albums as well. The only Kamelot disc I don't like is Khan's debut, Siege Perilous. Boring, uninspired 3rd rate Stratovarius-imitation. And I don't even like the 1st rate Stratovarius.:D

From the two pre-Khan records I actually prefer Eternity over Dominion. At times its complete Crimson Glory -worship, which is definitely not a bad thing in my book. Dominion's good too, but doesn't quite have that same sting.

Kamelot's supposed to record a live dvd soon, release date is sometime in the fall. I know i it will be awesome, because the director is Patric Ullaeus who did the Evergrey dvd and the two promo videos from Black Halo. :worship:
I absolutely LOVE Kamelot!!! Before I heard Black Halo I didnt though hahaha I thought they sucked!!! I thought Khan was to Wimpy and I just didnt like em! ... but then I got Black Halo and that all changed!! the reason being that I didnt give them enough of a chance at first ... ofcourse Khans wimpyness really did turn me away at first... ofcourse his wonderful vocals are part of why I like them so much now ... I also really like his previous band Conception!
The Black Halo is miles above & beyond Epica, which was weak, imo. I really like the darker direction they made with TBH...it has a darker edge/feeling to it that really suits the songs well.
Does anyone else here think their first singer was a DEAD RINGER for Adam Sandler?

Big thumbs up not just for the band, but The Black Halo as well. It's their best album to date in my opinion and will be among my top three albums this year (Opeth - Ghost Reveries and Porcupine Tree - Deadwing are the others).
Man, I've gotta check out this Conception band. I read some reviews today and it certainly sounds right up my alley. The only ones I found available were like $35 and I'm not going to pay that much. I get my hi speed in a week or so. Hopefully I can find some of their work via download! :hotjump:

NP: Pantommind - Shade of Fate
This past summer, I purchased Black Halo based soley on all of the great reviews I'd reas, as well as on recommendations from the kind folk here on UMOS. Well, to put it midly, I'm GLAD I DID!

The album kicks total ass from start to finish. The key with this record is an abundance of melody, particularly with the vocals. The choruses are magical and really drive the songs home!

To my ears, Khan's vocals aren't 'wimpy' at all. He's not the uber-high pitched wailer such as the guy from Stratovarious, etc. In fact, he's more closely related to Zach Stevens or the fella from Brainstorm.....powerful vocal style.

After Black Halo, I d/l a couple of tracks from previous records, and I must say that none captivated me as the Halo tracks did.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Man, I've gotta check out this Conception band. I read some reviews today and it certainly sounds right up my alley. The only ones I found available were like $35 and I'm not going to pay that much. I get my hi speed in a week or so. Hopefully I can find some of their work via download! :hotjump:

I wish someone would reissue their stuff here in the US. I'd love to have those discs. I've watched for them on Ebay and other places but the prices are always too high. I do have Flow, which is fairly available at a decent price. I have the others on MP3.
I guess I'm one of the only ones here to say nay. They just don't do it for me and I just seen them live a couple months ago in a small club down here. Still didn't click for me? I think it is the vocals because I dig the music sometimes. Oh well.:Smug:
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Man, I've gotta check out this Conception band. I read some reviews today and it certainly sounds right up my alley. The only ones I found available were like $35 and I'm not going to pay that much. I get my hi speed in a week or so. Hopefully I can find some of their work via download! :hotjump:

NP: Pantommind - Shade of Fate

I got lucky with my copy of "Conception - In Your Multitude" I got it on Ebay for $14 bucks!!! and that included Shipping!!! ... but Yes You gotta check these guys out!!! they are awsome!!
I am the person TSO was referring to. I might have confused him with the titles of some of the albums though. I think I named a Conception release that was burned for me for PPVI. Neither Kamelot (who I didn't watch most of twice at PPs II and V) nor Conception (who I also didn't watch most of at PPVI) do much for me. Lots of my friends dig them and many of those said friends and I share similar tastes. I just don't "get them." Better than PoS I might add though.
