Kanye on 9/11

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I posted that in the patrick swayze thread :p

Oh sorry I got it on the Gamefaqs Rap board.

Man will someone please kill Kanye West?

Kanye has made one good song. They play this at 5 am on the radio when it's dark on my way to work. Just tell me this isn't a good song.

Not that he isn't a real dick.

Just tell me this isn't a good song.

That isn't a good song. It's terrible. The only thing that's decent in the whole song is the background vocal melody WHICH HE STOLE FROM SPACEHOG, so it's not even his.

But in true Vanilla Ice fashion, he changed the note at the very end of the melody so he could claim that it was his. Seriously, this is fucking shite.
Yeah don't get me wrong, that melody is contagious! It's just that he didn't come up with it. However, had he expanded it into something else, it could have been really good.

In truth, that's really my problem with hip hop...just as they seem to be on to something really good, they just leave it there and don't expand on it.
Not Z-Ro. He makes his own music with his keyboard usually and talks about everything. Depression, corruption, struggle, heartbreak, being happy, finding a woman he loves, getting beat up by a blood.

I know I know you consider that "the black man complaining about being kept down", but is that so different than what Warrel Dane does?

Please don't judge Houston rappers the way the other ones are, ours are different I tell you.
I feel like the only one who isn't outraged over the fact that he's a douche. Sure he makes shit music but I don't have to listen to it and it makes funny pictures like the stuff in the thread and that south park was fairly funny so all in all I don't mind it. Other people actually have been like OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE HE DID THAT WHAT AN ASSHOLE I'M BOYCOTTING HIM BLAH BLAH like it actually affects their lives.