Katagory V Live March 15th!


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Well kiddies, It looks as if us Katagorians are going to crawl out of the fall-out shelter and play a show finally! the last show we played was the Classic Metal Festival last year... after which we emidiatley started recording the new album.

So... now that the new album is pretty much in the bag as far as recording goes and Trevor has learned all the material, we're going to break him in real good on March 15th! This will be his first live appearance with us, and we will also be playing 75% of the new album live! So if you want to hear a lot of the new material before the album comes out, heres your chance!

KATAGORY V with special guests Davidian
live @ Kamakazee's
March 15th, 9:00pm
24th St and Adams Ave
Ogden, Utah

Heres a fun fact: The last time we played with Davidian...? It was March 15th LAST year!!! :eek::lol:

Hope to see some of you there!

Dustin - is there any way the show could be recorded?

I know I said I'd be there, and I'd really love to be, but it might not happen. I'm having to fly to England on Sunday at very short notice, as my Grandma passed away last night and there's the usual funeral-plus-other-stuff to take care of.

If I can make it back in time, I'll do all I can to be there, but please don't be too disappointed if I don't make it...

I know, I flake on you guys all the time... :(

But blow their fuckin' balls off, okay guys? :D
Originally posted by Ruined Luna
Dustin - is there any way the show could be recorded?

I know I said I'd be there, and I'd really love to be, but it might not happen. I'm having to fly to England on Sunday at very short notice, as my Grandma passed away last night and there's the usual funeral-plus-other-stuff to take care of.

If I can make it back in time, I'll do all I can to be there, but please don't be too disappointed if I don't make it...

I know, I flake on you guys all the time... :(

But blow their fuckin' balls off, okay guys? :D

I'm really sorry to hear your Grandmother passed away Luna :(
I had just read about this last night on the Iron Maiden BB, our condolances are with my friend!

The show is still over two weeks away, but if you cannot make it under the circumstances, we'll carry on anyway (although... it won't be the same not having your British humor there for the guys!) and dedicate "Evil Princess" to you! :rock: Hopefulyl some one decides to film it seeing how we haven't played out for so long becasue of recording!:eek:

Hopefully you suprise the Katagorians with your wise and ever graceful presence!

Take care and please have a safe trip back home!
