Katatonia in magazines


Jan 14, 2002
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I was wondering how many articles about Katatonia have been written in the music magazines of last year and this year...
In the Italian "Metal Hammer" I still haven´t found one, even if the Viva Emptiness review got the highest points...Then I read an article on the Italian magazine "Psycho" and another article/interview on the German magazine "Rock hard". What about your local magazines, and by the way which music magazine do you read?
Last year there was a larger article in the german 'Hard Rock & Metal Hammer' - May. The month before they had a review 'cause they chose VE as the album of the month and that's why they had this report in may. It was about how they made the new one ... about the cover, but mostly a comparison to LFDGD. Some interesting information... but not a really special *sigh*
there was an article in the german "Legacy" (the metal music magazine i prefer) about the brand new album (at that time) Viva Emptiness, issue april / mai '03. i found the interview with Jonas really good, informative and suitable to the occasion long enough - Jonas' statements about songwriting in general, playing live, going mainstream, etc.