Close-Up article

Frith said:

Why didn't this article got published in the magazine?
It's an interview in swedish about the "viva emptiness tour" through europe.
i don´t know the article was written a couple of months ago however, short after their mini tour.
Note that the one who wrote the article was their merchandiser during that tour ( and I discovered that he also sings in "komotio", one of Daniel´s side bands)....maybe he knows why it hasn´t been published there...
ether said:
i don´t know the article was written a couple of months ago however, short after their mini tour.

I’ll hope they will pay some attention to katatonia in the future. They mostly have some small “news adds” in a sentence or two.

ether said:
Note that the one who wrote the article was their merchandiser douring that tour ( and I discovered that he also sings in "komotio", one of Daniel´s side bands)....maybe he knows why it hasn´t been published there...

Yeah. I played some gigs together with Komotio a couple of times and they are lunatics. They raped the stage, in a way I never seen before! Hehe. :rock: