Katatonia interview..

I'd want to ask them if they're gonna do anything more in the "Teargas" vein of music...

I'd like to hear the current progress, maybe an album title.

...Whether or not Katatonia is EVER going to do an American tour

and how all of Katatonia's families are doing, especially the kids that were born last year.
Jinn said:
I'd want to ask them if they're gonna do anything more in the "Teargas" vein of music...

I'd like to hear the current progress, maybe an album title.

...Whether or not Katatonia is EVER going to do an American tour

and how all of Katatonia's families are doing, especially the kids that were born last year.
Good questions, Jinn. I'd ask some similar ones.
Jonas spoke something about the new album sometime ago, in a Bloodbath interview. He told that the next album will be dark. In what kind of "darkness" he is thinking? A more "doom" style album, harder than the last ones but slow too? Or in a vein of Tonight's Decision? (i mean in a doom style, somekind of music near My dying Bride "Songs of Darkness, Words of light" for example).

Will they continue using double bass, more, less than the VE?
And about the voice, will they use some growls in some parts?

That's all.

Fuck the commerce.
It'd be interesting to hear if Jonas could get into the idea of making more songs in the vein of Omerta, perhaps as a project.
I would ask when and if they are going to be done with peaceville(in hopes of a future U.S. tour) although Peaceville has (as far as I know) treated them fairly well....I know that this should be their final release on that contract....are they going to renew????
MadTinus said:
I think the answer to that is pretty self-explanatory, if Peaceville will make them a good new offer, they will stay. If another label makes them a better offer, they won't...

OK then.....what is peaceville offering????.....and are any other labels interested in signing you?????

if it was self explanatory I dont think I would have asked it....tinus ;)
ask Jonas about October Tide, if there are any chances for reviving this project.
oh, and askt them if there will be any continuation of the 'City Of Glass' idea, iirc Jonas told in an interwiev there might be a follow up to that concept on the next album...