close-up magazine


Jan 14, 2002
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I was browsing the internet site of this Swedish mag and I saw that in the current issue there must be a brief article about Katatonia just before the coming album.
In Swedish it's:
KATATONIA (snabb lägesrapport inför kommande album)

Has someone of you read it...and if you did, does it say something about the new album or it's nothing new?

just curious, I really would like to read some anticipations about the new album actually...
"After Viva emptiness (2003) Katatonia has toured europe as well as canada and usa. The videocam has hummed a lot in the background and the thought was to release a live document on dvd. the releasedate has changed a number of times to now be canceled.
- The recorded show, in poland last spring, is very..err..not new??(inaktuell... dont know the word in eng..) says the singer Jonas renkse. instead the plan is to release the dvd with the next record, and with a new gig as a main atraction, and the old one as a bonus.
- on the other hand there are , yet unconfirmed, plans from peaceville to release sort of a best of of the later years material where it is possible the poland gig will be included.
New material in more or less structure to lose riffs exists
-I can almost promise more riffing and more complex arrangements. mainly try to take the feelings to extremes both the calm and melancolic and the sharp, mean elements. Viva emptiness was in all meanings a cold and dark album. i cant in this phase see the next one beeing happier or in any way warmer. more the other way around.
In january Katatonia will enter Fascination street (previously Studio Kuling) in Örebro together with Jens Bogren."

roughly translated.
thank you Hobo for taking your time to translate it!

No major news, but intersting to know about more riffs and more complex arrangments!

do you always have the same e-mail address? I still have to send you those photos we took in Stockholm, but I didn't manage to send them...mhh maybe the file was too big..or maybe I had a wrong address...
for Swedes or the ones who understand Swedish there's a nice article about their latest mini-tour on the issue of this can read it at this link:

It was nice to follow such a detailed report, also becasue I was "on the same road" as well and besides attending the gigs, we had to travel and find the various clubs too :) So nothing was really new a part that I discovered:

1) the one I thought was the merchandiser is actually the reporter
2) their sound engineer plays in Amaran...and I saw him different times included two Amaran gigs...(I also took photos of him) so stupid me who didn't recognized him...well actually when I saw he was wearing an Amaran t-shirt I had a little doubt it could be the same person...
By the way, what exactely are "träskor"? My dictionary says "wooden shoes" but I don't believe that is what it actually means because I haven't seen anyone with wooden shoes at the concerts. Only one person without any shoes- but that's another story... :grin:
So please, can someone explain this mysterious "träskor"? :confused:

Great tour-diary... Thanx for that one!


Träskor means uh... wooden shoes or clogs. (Same thing i guess..)
I want the new album!!! and dvd!

I just was watching a bootleg of the Montreal concert I got, and it has awesome sound and video, very nice! Fucking awesome show! come back to canada!
ialokin said:

Well, that's what I thought... But I'm not completely satisfied with this answer because honestly, I' haven't seen a single person with that kind of shoes on a Katatonia- gig (not even in Holland ;) ) Those shoes appear in museums or traditional events maybe but not at metal concerts! So it must be something else. As far as I understand the tour report, several people in Berlin wear träskor... Or maybe that guy is just making fun of Germans :rolleyes: ? Well, I know, some people here have a strange dressing style - but not that strange!
So please, someone explain the meaning of TRÄSKOR, I'll have sleepless nights untill I find it out :zombie:
Cis said:
Well, that's what I thought... But I'm not completely satisfied with this answer because honestly, I' haven't seen a single person with that kind of shoes on a Katatonia- gig (not even in Holland ;) ) Those shoes appear in museums or traditional events maybe but not at metal concerts! So it must be something else. As far as I understand the tour report, several people in Berlin wear träskor... Or maybe that guy is just making fun of Germans :rolleyes: ? Well, I know, some people here have a strange dressing style - but not that strange!
So please, someone explain the meaning of TRÄSKOR, I'll have sleepless nights untill I find it out :zombie:
he he I think you'll have sleepless nights until you'll ask directlely the reporter (maybe if you meet him on their next tour?) about the interpretation of this word in his article...
anyways I'll try to avoid you those sleepless nights trying to suggest you my own interpretation, which could calm you down for a while maybe;)

These träskor are actually clogs that can have different shapes, not necesserely like the Dutch folkloristic maybe in this case the author simply wanted to describe a kind of house-shoes, I think probably those which in German are called "Sandalen", which worn with socks also in winter are a typical clichè for Germans and German lack of sense of style and fashion...(well at least that what Italians think)ok sorry to hurt Germans sensibilty about their clothing style, I know not all Germans are like that...
To sum up things, yes the reporter is making fun of German lack of taste and bizarre dressing style,:p :p you can undestand it also from the title " Tyska modelejon"..

and then, ok you haven't seen anyone wearing those "träskor", but are you sure you looked at everyone´s feet?:)
ok I´ll stop it now...oh God I'm taking this thread too seriously, he he he
you know...if you see cinderella (disney's) you'll notice that she uses that shoes :D ahahahaha