Katatonia Live Video

hello opethian. I just noticed that you are also here in charlotte. i've never net anybody around here into this kind of music so it's nice to know i'm not alone in this ghetto town. do you like jesse's band, daylight dies? you NEED to hear them if you haven't.
Yeah I had the song 'Teargas' live in Turku up in high quality on the site for a while. It was 25mb. I couldn't keep it up for too long because of space/bandwidth concerns. I actually have 'Deadhouse' from that same gig still, was planning to put it up at a later date, but never really did..
Originally posted by YgroWok

And I wonder if Katatonia will ever make any actual music videos...

as a matter of fact, we did shoot a clip for teargas last summer.
the budget was zero, but it turned out cool.
hopefully we'll get it up on the web at some point.
Originally posted by forlorn soul
Yeah I had the song 'Teargas' live in Turku up in high quality on the site for a while. It was 25mb. I couldn't keep it up for too long because of space/bandwidth concerns. I actually have 'Deadhouse' from that same gig still, was planning to put it up at a later date, but never really did..
Oh my God!! Deadhouse live!?!?! What are you waiting for??? You have to put it up right now!!!!
Originally posted by Blakkheim

as a matter of fact, we did shoot a clip for teargas last summer.
the budget was zero, but it turned out cool.
hopefully we'll get it up on the web at some point.

:eek: we want that now!!! or on the new album as a thingy enhanced track please thankyou well done im getting excited here! :hotjump: and when are plans for a new album gonna take place? i dunno but something tells me its gonna be a longer wait than i think. like 2003 or something?
This is kind of off topic - but kind of on the idea of a music video because awhile ago when LFDGD first came out I also bought Nightmare Creatures 2 (for DreamCast which is unfortunately dead now :( ), I'm not a huge videogame player but when a horror type game comes out I'll usually buy it. Anyway the whole way through the game I would listen to LFDGD and the music is the exact same mood as the game feels. It's all deserted and dark kind of like the cd's artwork. Well that's just how I would picture a Katatonia music video to be if there ever was one.

Originally posted by YgroWok
This is kind of off topic - but kind of on the idea of a music video because awhile ago when LFDGD first came out I also bought Nightmare Creatures 2 (for DreamCast which is unfortunately dead now :( ), I'm not a huge videogame player but when a horror type game comes out I'll usually buy it. Anyway the whole way through the game I would listen to LFDGD and the music is the exact same mood as the game feels. It's all deserted and dark kind of like the cd's artwork. Well that's just how I would picture a Katatonia music video to be if there ever was one.


yeah i remember when i had Alien Vs Preditor and i must have left Discouraged Ones in the cd drive and as no cd is needed it played the game and for some reason the music playing was the album, and i was playing normaly and was like what the fuck, and it sounded good as well, especially the beginning of Cold Ways which would go off when your about to get killed or something.
Yeah yeah, the same with me, but in my case it´s with the game "Resident Evil 3".
When you enter in those rooms to save the game, the music in those rooms reminded me a lot the song "Endtime". They are fucking similar, and perfects for the situation.
as a matter of fact, we did shoot a clip for teargas last summer.

Cool!!!!I want to see it!
Don't keep us waiting too long!:grin:
By the way, has someone of you any video bootlegs to trade or sell?
Originally posted by ether

Cool!!!!I want to see it!
Don't keep us waiting too long!:grin:
By the way, has someone of you any video bootlegs to trade or sell?
Yes, I have one:
- 29.07.2000 Milwaukee :rock:

It´s the only show I have found of this group.
Originally posted by carlos
hello opethian. I just noticed that you are also here in charlotte. i've never net anybody around here into this kind of music so it's nice to know i'm not alone in this ghetto town. do you like jesse's band, daylight dies? you NEED to hear them if you haven't.
Wow, another person from Charlotte. There are several people on the Opeth forum from here and also other places in NC. I haven't heard that band sadly. I will have to check them out. Are they from here? There aren't many good bands around here, mainly emo and hardcore type bands. See ya...

forlorn soul, I'd really like to see that 'Deadhouse' video soon. Please put it up as soon as you can. :grin:
Are both videos lingering somewhere in a webpage?
I NEED them.

Oh, and those videogame players should try Silent Hill and mixing some Katatonia with it. You won't regret it.