Katrina relief fundraising at PPVI?


Ken Luther
Mar 11, 2005
Valparaiso, IN
Just an idea in case any of the PP Power Structure are browsing this:

Has anyone considered trying to organize some fundraising for Katrina relief efforts this year? Since PPVI is only 2 weeks away, it will still be sorely needed then. Perhaps something as simple as inviting the Red Cross to set up a small table in the merchandise area, and encourage people who are buying lots of CDs to maybe buy just one less CD and donate the money that they would have spent on it, or to buy one less beer and do the same. It's possible a significant amount could be raised, with that many people in the same area for two days, and perhaps some good press for the festival could be had, too.

Just a thought...

Things are being considered, but nothing definite.

If you do know of someone from NO that would like to simply forget themselves for a weekend, send them to me.

Glenn H.
I was considering putting up a drop bucket for our October 1st gig, just like I did at out Dimebag Show, and let people drop what they can, then give it to Red Cross. Unfortunately, Zod's right. They need help right now. I'm gonna give maybe $50 to a Red Cross station this weekend.
If anyone has anything they've been thinking about selling on Ebay, you can contribute part of the proceeds to hurricane relief. I am--if anyone wants some Size 8 leather or suede pants, let me know. :D

lady_space said:
If anyone has anything they've been thinking about selling on Ebay, you can contribute part of the proceeds to hurricane relief. I am--if anyone wants some Size 8 leather or suede pants, let me know. :D
God damn it... I'm a size 12. :loco:

I heard that people have been helping in any way they can... You know, it's not only by donating money that you can help... Clothes, Toys, anything you can do would do good for those poor people. I heard on the radio today that this lady was making Potato Salad (You heard me) to send to one of the Red Cross refugee centers!!!! And they were eager to receive her help!!!!!! Don't wait guys, do whatever you can... They need ANY possible thing we can do, and I believe it's our deed to help them out!
lol Im being serious...

It's not like they can eat metal....
If they do, they will shit chains....

(or is it the opposite?)lol