Fan Bites Head Off Decomposed Rodent During PTAHIL Set !!
at about 3:00
Comments PTAHIL drummer, Mhaghnuis:
It is good to see that when a human being is bombarded with specific emotions, smells and sounds that they can commit actions that are normally unthinkable to them. We are proud that our music and presence helped this person do something unthinkable to any current standard of social behavior.
Added concert attendee/rat nibbler Zac Bau:
I felt it necessary to step outside the rest of the fans behavior and show that it only takes one person to break the monotony of fist-pumping metal fans. Everybody can mosh; everybody can throw the horns but the true metal fan will eat things that the spirit of the moment moves them to no matter the rest of the worlds thoughts on it.
at about 3:00
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