Kayo Dot in Detroit


Jul 14, 2004
The band got lost trying to find the venue (they were confused and ended up spending forever looking for it on a road that started with the right letter.) We went with Toby and Mia for burgers after the first band and discussed all manner of orphic subjects, such as why girls at MIT are sluts, and they were really nice.

So the show!

They had some technical trouble in the beginning so it took a while to get things rolling, and although the sound system was a little sketchy (lots of bassy sound wavy things mucking up the works) they were killer. The setlist was like: Gemini Becoming the Tripod, The Manifold Curiosity, and then _____ on Limpid Form. It was a little hard to tell with the sound thing what was going on in some of the thicker sections, but the new stuff sounds awesome and they nailed Manifold.

Toby made Mia cry and Probably Ryan too.
No pictures because my camera's fucked, but Greg was svelte as balls and Toby smelled really good.
(I bought In the L..L..Library Loft but I'm going to BED now so I'll check it out tomorrow bye.)
Yeah I did. A more official version of those blurbs could've been a good thing to put in the liner notes, though. That background seems just as important as the recordings themselves.