ANOTHER Kayo Dot Dream

on Saturday morning as I was luxuriating in the sloth of a not-having-to-go-to-work day, I drifted back into the arms of morpheus and had a dream involving the following:

I was on tour with Kayo Dot, except, they weren't travelling, the dream involved people from different places arriving and paying money, which was kind of interesting. All the money was placed under a pile of Fabreze scented dirty laundry. At one point Mia was frantically searching for the money under the laundry and it wasn't there, but Toby found it under ANOTHER pile of laundry.

Then, there was a total disconnect as someone ran through the wall of a house - I guess this was inspired by the hole in the house story, as it had nothing to do with anything else, until, in a total fit of Theater of the Absurd, a cartoon/mascot tiger ran over the edge of a cliff and plummeted to his death.

I know this all is appropos of nothing, but it was silly, and seemingly worth relating.