kayo dream last night


toe much love!
Nov 16, 2002
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so in this dream i went to see kayo dot and there were like a billion of y'all on stage... for some reason i got roped into doing some backing vox, which iw funny cuz i cant sing for shit, and i think i also had one of those egg things that you can get at music stores that you shake and it makes shakey noise (i htink opeth used these). also, the bass player was awful. no offense if thats someone who posts here, i dont know who the bass plaer is, but the guy in the dream was new-guy and he was awful.
then i had this dream where i had a super hot cousin, an i was flirting with my cousin, which is gross i guess. and then there was this horror movie dream where i had to kill some evil kid. i totally stabbed the fuck out of her. i didnt like doing it, but frankly, she was gonna kill me. we were fighting all over this house, including on the roof. yea, i rammed a big fucking sword into her. i rule.
Toby and Greg where totally in a dream I just had! It was messed up. After a long portion of the dream I cant remember, I was leaving an airport.. walking beside a road... it was really foggy out, and very dark. As I was walking a car and a very small spaceship pulled up to me at the same time. Greg (who was a very very tall person in my dream) stepped out of the car, and after landing Toby (quite wee) got out of the spaceship. They said hello and started to walk with me. Then we where attacked by 2 drifters and we stabbed them to death.

I forget what happened after that, but I must have woken up soon after.
i just want to turn this thread around and say bigfakesmile appeared in my dream last night.

firstly, get your minds out of the gutter, as the dream entailed her coming over to watch the new episodes of angel that i have on tape.