KD Dream

Autumn Falls

Ace Harding, P.I.
Jul 9, 2001
Denton, TX
No I don't mean I had a dream about Kentucky Deluxe but I shit you not I had an honest to god dream about Kayo Dot last night. The details as normal with dreams are a bit hazy but in the beginning I was going to the show and it was in a pretty huge venue, I went to use the restroom and there was an asshole guy in there who for some reason I can't remember pissed on my right leg (well on the jeans I had on) and though aggravated I quickly hurried to get to the showroom. The place was PACKED with people and I remember the members getting off a bus and the only one I remember distinctly was Greg who was incredibly tall, had a long pony-tail down to his knees with a loose green shirt on and oddly enough a loose fitting beige skirt (al long one that some men could get away sporting.. maybe.)

Anyway. This clipped into not being at the show but being like a pre-show show and I'm back in some part of UNT and I for some reason think the show is at 4pm and as I come to in my dream it's almost exactly 4 and being anal as I am I start freaking out and running around the distorted UNT campus looking for the venue and eventually find two of my best friends who tell me it's at six not at four and calm me down. I think it ended shortly after that.

I know it's not the most interesting dream but I just have no idea why I had it. Last night was filled with Old Milwaukee and Adult Swim not Kayo Dot. ::shrugs::

Speaking of shows though... Del is playing in Austin on Sunday. So awesome.

I've had a Kayo Dot dream awhile back. The venue had seats and looked a bit like a middle school auditorium. There were only about six people in the audience and the band only played three original songs and I think played some crappy covers. I was disappointed. :erk: