Kayo Dot's show in New Orleans


Feb 19, 2004
So Kayo Dot played a really good show in New Orleans! It was totally inspiring and just awesome to watch. The bad news is that the venue was kind of shitty and the turnout was even shittier. I'd say there were maybe 8 people there, including the bartender. They played The Antique, Marathon, and The Manifold Curiosity in that order.
I was going to meet a buddy of mine who lives in the area at the show who had never heard KD, but then like an hour and a half before the show he called a said he didn't feel like going out " just to hear a band (he'd) never even heard before" :yell: . I was staying at my oldest brother's apartment, so he came with me instead to the show, which was a bit awkward since he's 10 years older than me, we really don't hang out that much (stuff like going to shows), and he's not really into the same things and music I am at all, but 'twas someone to go with.

But anyway, the band was really good. I bought a t-shirt and a poster and small talked a bit with Greg and Toby who were both extremely nice and polite. It was a cool but awkward feeling at first because I was just listening to the band on headphones and then like 30 minutes later I was chatting with a couple of the guys. I would have loved to talk/hang out with the band more after the show but my brother was just kind of standing around and ready to go, and he drove, so I didn't have much of a choice.

I had a strange feeling after the show though. I mean the performance was great, but I was kind of pissed about the turnout. I mean it's gotta suck when you're up there playing your music, putting a lot into it, and there's practically no one there, the place is just kind of dead. New Orleans is a cool city and it's a musical city, but I've found myself being consistently disappointed in the turnout at shows of somewhat lesser known bands. I'm not really sure why people don't show up, maybe they're just all on Bourbon Street and more interested in "new orleans music."
...But I don't want to dwell on the negative! It was a nice show and everything sounded great! I took some pictures, but I don't have a digital camera, so I'll post them when they're developed if they turned out decent enough for viewing.
dwelling on the negative: yes, very bad turnout. but still very pleased with the sound and toby/sam's chemistry....
welll there was this once instance in the antique where i think the lyric is screamed out "yesterdaaay!" and toby pointed at sam at each syllable while he screamed it...but i'm not sure if instances like that are what he's referring to and it might even be creepy that i remember that!
The coolest Toby/Sam interaction I saw was at the end of the Antique, right before all the distortion cuts out and it starts the second, calmer half of the song, Toby lifted his hand into the air and then cut everyone off like a classical conductor. I thought it was so fitting for the music.
yes! Toby's conductor moves rule. sometimes I wish he didn't have to sing/play guitar so he could just conduct the band the whole song.

it would also fix the "everyone's back is to the crowd because they're facing Sam" problem.

however, I honestly think KD should get risers and play every show with Sam in the front, back to the crowd, and everyone else on risers behind him, FACING FORWARD.
The only person with their back turned the entire time was Mia, but that's completely understandable as her parts are very intricate and integral to the pieces. Everyone else would turn a bit towards Sam sometimes, but for the most part stood foward.
in new orleans, sam was at the edge of stage, facing sideways, and during marathon he hit a cymbal so hard it fell off the stage! kind of funny
i swiftly put it back up there, it was an interesting tidbit.
Haha, there's the Cannibal Corpse backdrop Greg was talking about. They didn't put it up in Asheville because the walls were already covered with pieces of art, so I'm glad to see it up somewhere.
ha I did see Toby put it up there while they were setting up, was kind of funny but i didn't think much about it or ask about it
i figured it was just something they put up at all their shows as a joke.
I don't know, I thought Greg said something about them finding it right around when they were leaving Boston, but it could have been on the road I guess. He just said they had been putting it up at some shows.