kayo gets mad street cred at the mayhem convention last night


toe much love!
Nov 16, 2002
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dude from the red c(h?)ord was all 'hey everone do yourselves a favor and check out this band kayo dot. theyre on john zorns label, tzadik. check em out. yo' ok, he didnt say yo. i added that.
hehehe...there's nothing poseurish about kickboxing in my opinion. it takes a modest amount of talent and ability. i also prefer doing that to colliding into people. overall, i'm not into bouncing all into people all night long. i like kickboxing because to me it's very artistic and beatiful. for me it's not about being a tough dude it's about having the coolest moves and enjoying the movements.

as far as not bragging about being at a suffocation show, we are just going to have to chalk that up to difference of opinion. i've been a diehard fan of theirs for 10 years. their music is a guiding light and inspiration to me ever since the first time i heard them!
it was funny when mike was like, "a few members of kayo dot are here tonight. they're on john zorn's label and they're awesome" and then there was maybe ONE or two kids who cheered softly for two seconds, haha! everyone else looked sort of confused and me and forbes went BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA