KD-related dream last night


vvv Jake's ass vvv
Jul 6, 2002
I never, ever remember any of my dreams but for some reason this one stuck:

I enter what looks like an appartment but is setup so that there is a small stage on the left of a medium sized open room. There is merch two merch table, on each sides of the stage. The rest of the space is filled with people on couches, sitting on the floor and some talking standing up. Toby and Colin from Arctopus are setting up on stage, a very blurry drummer is also there. I go and introduce myself to Toby, who does not respond and looks blankly at me. I go over to Colin who seems super excited that I am there, as if I was a rock star or somebody he idolizes. Colin invites me to play with them, I agree only to open a guitar case that contains my bass?!? I strap it on thinking there is no way my palce is on stage, I can barely play! The whole thing starts in a Painkiller-like fury and I woke up.