Keep a diary


Jul 21, 2003
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Today i went to asda and bought lots of shopping and a huge leg of lamb, (oh yeah me an mick are not veggies anymore) and i also went for an eye test, later on i am goin to my brothers, what are you doing?
I was chatting this morning and after I had lunch I started reading some chapters in a book on Physics (electric potential, magnetic fields), because I need to know how EEG/MEG and fMRI techniques work (they measure brain activity). Tonight, I'll clean the cat's toilet. Oh, and I wrote some emails too.
my life is boring i fix computers for stupid people.
but keeping a diary is something i want to do

you know when you go out at the weekend and you have a great laugh and there is something to remember about that weekend?, something mad or crazy or funny or horrible, whatever it is. i would love to get a diary and write down the little things in it about the weekend. simply because i always forget about them 2 or 3 weeks later. i know if i started this 3 or 4 years ago it would be a nice compliation of absolutley crazy shit
StevenK said:
my life is boring i fix computers for stupid people.
but keeping a diary is something i want to do

you know when you go out at the weekend and you have a great laugh and there is something to remember about that weekend?, something mad or crazy or funny or horrible, whatever it is. i would love to get a diary and write down the little things in it about the weekend. simply because i always forget about them 2 or 3 weeks later. i know if i started this 3 or 4 years ago it would be a nice compliation of absolutley crazy shit
i kept a diary for years and i would go out of a weekend and get off me face with things that made me happy, so instead of giving all my secrets away i used to put a :) face in the corner and then that meant it would of been 'mbs' or 'strawberry' and if there was a mushroom on the corner of my page well hahhaa and so on so on, i looked back at this diary a few months back and my god i had stamina those days o_O :headbang: anyway i even wrote down the day i lost my virginity hahaha that was good reading :tickled:
today I had 2 english literature exams then I had chicken for my dinner and went to my friend bens house where I am now drinking stella listening to shite music. Not out of choice.
Susie said:
i kept a diary for years and i would go out of a weekend and get off me face with things that made me happy, so instead of giving all my secrets away i used to put a :) face in the corner and then that meant it would of been 'mbs' or 'strawberry' and if there was a mushroom on the corner of my page well hahhaa and so on so on, i looked back at this diary a few months back and my god i had stamina those days o_O :headbang: anyway i even wrote down the day i lost my virginity hahaha that was good reading :tickled:

:tickled: any blue speckle mitzis in there?
StevenK said:
my life is boring i fix computers for stupid people.
but keeping a diary is something i want to do

you know when you go out at the weekend and you have a great laugh and there is something to remember about that weekend?, something mad or crazy or funny or horrible, whatever it is. i would love to get a diary and write down the little things in it about the weekend. simply because i always forget about them 2 or 3 weeks later. i know if i started this 3 or 4 years ago it would be a nice compliation of absolutley crazy shit

you are one crazy bollox :D
zupi_clone said:
:tickled: any blue speckle mitzis in there?
Well when i was 17 it was all micro dots and my first one was a black micro dot ..... o_O :yow: went the hypodrome in liverpool town and drank pints of green monsters, and the main tune them days was 'like a prayer' madonna then not long after, 'pump up the jam' came into the charts ohh wow hahaha i used to dance like a sad twat to those tunes :tickled: ah but those were the dayzzz :Spin:
haha sounds deadly!
i must start that diary, like last weekend went to a concert and got locked,
saturday went out and turned off the music on the duke box in the pub cause i didnt like it, most people cheered, some didnt, but still a good laugh and a good memory,
sunday went out for a walk at 3pm and strolled in for a pint, supposed to get the bus to dublin at 6pm, got shitfaced fell in the door at 3am and was 3 hours late for work,
all good memorys but no hope of remembering them
hehe, ive heard of online diaries, now that would be handy..

2 nights in a row we moved my mates car from parked at the footpath.
3 of us lifted the back of the car and moved it out onto the road with the front still in. me mate that owned the car was in a taxi going home and the taxi driver was telling him to watch this car coming up ahead, "look at where this drunken bastard parked his car!!, he must be really locked to park like that" me mate just goes says thats my car!!! stop the taxi!! he got out of the cab, and roared out my name in horror!!
id say it was well funny to be the taxi driver

i only remember that cause it was less than a month ago, otherwise it would be gone,
any online diaries about????
been reading up on english syntax and argumentation for my "structure of english sentences" class of which I have an exam tomorrow. total boredom.

got sunburnt, drank coffee at my favourite starbucks rip off (where I work parttime) and now going to read some more in "A short history of nearly everything" by Billl Bryson. A must-read for everyone who never understood anything about physics. Like myself.
played some drum n organ last night - humtidum - slept - now at work reading all about magnetic fields - everything in physics seems to be "defined" operationally, but what does it say about reality? not much i think - there are no particles, there are no waves, there are no electric, magnetic, gravitational fields, there aren't even forces - it's just what is observed and named - another myth busted ;)