keep it true footage

hahaha so that you. I want to see film of simon with nose flutes, please post on You Tube.

I did tell you that my avatar was a state picture of Herman Georing.

Ive got the video on my myspace am I ok to post it up here?

For anyone that doesnt know Spinal Tap the flute solo in Stonehenge. Sabbat had the nose flute in the hotel room at 4am. Not really that similar but Sabbats version is funnier.
Just found this as well..

Im not sure what to call this one... either the last time I fall asleep in a van or Andy showing that a tubescreamer isnt the only way to get tight bottom end..

The last 4 photos on there it really does look like my heads not on straight. I look like quite a spaz actually. Well at least Im not Gizz