"Keep the Fire" MP3

Bass Goddess

Apr 14, 2002
SF Bay Area
Hey Neil,

Do you know where there is a good MP3 download for "Keep the Fire"? Could you email it to us or post a link here?


Elena & Lucky
turbinator said:
You can find it below. Hope you guys are doing well. Is Angelo wearing his 2 minutes to bedtime shirt yet or is it still 85 degrees at night up there

Hee hee hee...yeah, he already wore the "Maiden" outfit this week, but black is NOT the color for a baby who's spitting up all the time. So, now it's the "I'm so cute I must be Italian" outfit... :)

It's been cooler, but still pretty warm. I know I am a California native, but I really don't like the weather too hot...I think I belong in Portland, Seattle, or England...

Thanks for the link!
What is an Angelo

Angelo is the post writers child

Hey Neil, I know you have prob. been asked this a million times but I would like to know, whats you relationship with Scott, Charlie, etc. BTW, Fistful is a great album, still have it on vinyl as a matter of fact, the only one of my anthrax records that remain