@ keeper of the flame


POTM vox 'n keyz
Apr 8, 2003

I downloaded the mp3 of your band Silent Agreement. I think it sounds good and it reminds of Marillion, around the time of Jesters tear. Where did you record this btw, in your own rehearsal space or actually in a real studio?

Michiel Borkent
Hi Borkdude, (oftewel Michiel)

Thanks for your kind words. Funny that you should bring this up here. We do have our own forum on our website.
To answer your question, for the Mp3 we did a try out recording at home actually, using the Yamaha AW16 G digital multitracker, but we don't think it sounds like it should yet. We are working on much better recordings right now. Besides the mix down for the album will be much better.
The other clips on our website's music page were recorded while we were playing live at the AVA studios in Hilversum. But then we couldn't correct it afterwards or do overdubs and these also need to be improved.
You're right about Marillion. We have always liked Marillion's first four masterpieces with Fish. So when writing we decided to do a conceptalbum in the vein of Misplaced Childhood and add some more contemporary elements to it.
We hope you will like the album eventually.

Misschien kunnen we nog eens met jullie band samen iets organiseren, hoewel jullie zijn wel een stukje heavier denk ik.

groetjes, Wouter.
keeper of the flame said:
Hi Borkdude, (oftewel Michiel)
Misschien kunnen we nog eens met jullie band samen iets organiseren.

groetjes, Wouter.

Would be cool, let's keep that in mind. We have almost finished writing our first album now and we are looking forward on recording a demo with three songs. The recordings on our site are a bit old and not all with our current line up - we can improve lots of things. I think our music is very varied and ranges from instrumental funky rock music to hard rock, to odd-time signature maybe even almost progmetal to straigh powermetal.

We never had a gig yet - our first appearance will be the 24th of november - very exciting. We are all looking forward to it.

I think things are working out much better in our current line up and our enthousiasm is still growing every week.

We can use all the help we can get by recording and mixing our demo, so if anyone has a home-studio where we can record drums or anything, it will save us some bucks ;).

Good luck with the rest of your album and I am looking to hear it already in the finished form.