Kemper and 5150

Is it just me or the kemper can't profile properly the sound of a 5150 (signature version)?
Today I profiled so many times my 5150 but the profile doesn't sound quite as good as the original....
It lacks the same lowend and the midrange is more pronounced on the profile.
Not that it can't work in a mix, but I want my 5150 sound lol
The kemper is more open sounding
what mic did you use? try moving it around. Your profile will never sound like "the amp in the room" you know.
who said that????? I know that it will never sound like the amp in the room, it's a miced up sound. I'm not that noob...
Kemper version and miced up version should sound almost the same (usually to me they sound 99% spot on).
I profiled many amps and the 5150 is the one that sounds a bit different, I guess I used too much gain maybe, that's something that "fucks up" profiling in my opinion
Maybe the gain stagin in 5150 is the reason who knows.
When you switch between reference and the "profile", it doesn't sound almost dead on? Keep refining, I'd say. My kemper profiles usually have a difference in the low end, whether it be less or more. Other than that, it's always at least 95%. I've gotten good results with my 5150 set up.
By my experience - the kemper is very sensitive to tension in the power supply network. Once also I paid attention to strong differences in the field of a bottom and the bottom middle from initial tone, then I noticed small blinking of the screen at the device. The low voltage in the power supply network was the cause.
Yeah it's strange since my boogie and Marshall are spot on!
I'll try again today. I know for sure that with too much gain the profiling is not accurate.
Ah btw the firmware is 2.42 ... I'm reading the kemper forum and it seems there are some problems with this firmware
Thanks guys!
When you switch between reference and the "profile", it doesn't sound almost dead on? Keep refining, I'd say. My kemper profiles usually have a difference in the low end, whether it be less or more. Other than that, it's always at least 95%. I've gotten good results with my 5150 set up.
Uhm well yes! the mid range and low end is a bit different not so much but I can hear it ;)
Did you see my thread over at the Kemper forum last year? I could never get the low-end to work, palm mutes sounded very different and I did countless tests to try and sort it out. Despite some concrete ideas for how it could be fixed in the Kemper profiling software, nothing was ever done about it.
Did you see my thread over at the Kemper forum last year? I could never get the low-end to work, palm mutes sounded very different and I did countless tests to try and sort it out. Despite some concrete ideas for how it could be fixed in the Kemper profiling software, nothing was ever done about it.
No sorry didn't!
I truly remember that before i didn't have this low end problem.
Another thing that bugs me, as I said before is the midrange.
It's more a problem of a 5150 profile.....
My 5150 profile is dead-on to the one I did. Not sure why you're having issues; how are you routing the mic back to the unit?


i dont have a 5150 but i have gotten very good results with my engl savage, dual rec, splawn, ampeg etc. never any issues with the low end in my profiles unless the gain on the amp/pedal is stupidly high.
Did you end up getting a response from the moderator?
It's been a year now..

They asked me to send some profiles and some stuff, but after that I never heard anything from them again. It's sad because I'm clearly not the only one who would like to see some sort of fix and from my findings it felt like it wouldn't be THAT difficult. Even if it wouldn't nail the low-end thump completely, it could still come a lot closer I think.
i did some tests...i added to some of my favourite profiles a 1db boost with the Kemper studio eq at 160hz. It really makes them sound "better" to me, especially in Palm mutes.
Most people control this zone with the C4 later, but you still can and your palm mutes will sound more "natural" to me ears