my foot hurts, i'm buried in work, and some schmuck is making condescending threads about me. Other than that, life rocks!! You?!
It's pretty great, yeah! Although I thought it was going to be a bit chilly today so I rocked a sweater. That thing is long gone now as it's gotten into the 70's. Now i"m regretting the decision to wear pants also.
nice im going for A+ and Net+

it sucks why is your school better :erk:

In all honesty, I wouldn't really put forth effort into Comptia certifications if I were you. I'd spend the money and time on your MCSE, CCNP and possibly a CISSP.

Doing research after I graduated in June, a lot of people prefer Microsoft certification it seems. I got lucky and got my job simply based off of my degrees. I think leading our team in the Cyber Defense Competition this year helped though, since my boss was on the Red Team last year.

You could gobble up all the certifications you can get your hands on but a word of advice: don't list them all on your resume, especially if you don't have any real experience. If you're going to study network administration, I don't see any sense of obtaining your A+ certification, unless you're going to have your hands in every aspect as possible, which is possible.

I'm a network administrator and a computer forensic analyst but I often times troubleshoot hardware and do basic system diagnostics. A lot of people think if you're a network administrator, you have the other skills that a A+ certification would cover.