Kevin Smith has finally redeemed himself...

Dark One

The Tainted Dogma
Feb 5, 2002
Southwest Florida
Clerks II rules.

I was totally skeptical going in because of his track record after the original movie coupled with lousy promo commercials. I still find plenty of funny bits in his other movies (Dogma in particular), but basically everything he's released since the original cult classic has been a disjointed mess, until now.

Trust me, if you're a fan of the original at all, you will not be disappointed in this film. Put it at the top of your list.

Agreed. Saw it today. Twas fucking awesome.

Some elderly woman walked out of the theater in disgust. I felt somewhat bad for her, as she didn't know what she was getting into.
I remember that same thing happened when I saw Pulp Fiction. This was after the film had been nomated for the Academy Awards, and I went to see it again and all these old people were in the theatre. A bunch left through various scenes, but I tell you, once the man-rape scene kicked in, I was about the only guy left in the place. It was great.

I also, give my thumbs up to Clerks II
It was slammed in the NY Metro as well -- they gave it a 1/5. Still, this has to be a must see!!

(I don't think Kevin Smith realized just how damaging his rep became, insisting on constantly using that slaphead Ben Affleck ALL THE TIME and doing utter shit like Jersey Girl).
General Zod said:
Completely disagree:

Mallrats - funny
Dogma - brilliant
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - hysterical


Don't get me wrong when I use the term "disjointed mess", I do enjoy all those movies (and own them all), but aside from Clerks they are guilty pleasures for me. Plenty of funny moments for sure, but not much redeeming value in my eyes (with the exception of much of the dialogue and ideas in Dogma, which could've been an absolute masterpiece if handled a bit differently). Bottom line for me - both Clerks movies transcend the simple escapism that his other movies represent.

Seriously though Greg, if you find all the movies you mention funny, hysterical and brilliant, I think you're in for a real treat.
Mallrats is really great. There's a lot of bizarre humour and inside jokes just below the surface (like any Smith film, really). Dogma was too disjointed and Strike Back was too slapstick. I enjoyed both, but they just don't compare to the Jersey trillogy.
I must be the only person that loves all of Kevin Smith's films (with the exception of Chasing Amy and Jersey Girl, which I haven't seen as yet). I love Clerks, I really enjoy Mallrats (although it isn't the best of his that I've seen). Dogma is probably second only to Anchorman as the comedy film I've watched the most, and I reckon Jay & Silent Bob Strikes Back is a fantastic film on several levels - the meta-humour, the Pee-Wee's Big Adventure tone of the whole film, the dialogue... everything
Dark One said:
Plenty of funny moments for sure, but not much redeeming value in my eyes...
Just out of curiosity, what constitutes "redeeming value"?

Dark One said:
...(with the exception of much of the dialogue and ideas in Dogma, which could've been an absolute masterpiece if handled a bit differently).
What should have been handled differently?
