Key generator


Drunk Lord's Greasy $@#%*
There are a couple of cool programs that I downloaded from and I would like to find a key generator or a valid code to register.

I already checked the web and came out with nothing.

I am not sure if this is possible for the products on this site but I would be grateful if someone could give me a hand.

For example I am interested in a valid code of a desktop clock called “greetsoft desktop cklock”
Any ideas ?
if it's a crack, put it in the directory where the original file .exe file is, it should have the same name as the original too so it will ask to replace the file, click yes. then run it.
That was the first thing I thought of doing but the exe file is simply named “crack” so I figured it is one of these generators that create the crack file you need and then you just copy paste it to the directory to replace the original like you posted.

Instead,when I run the crack exe a little windows pops up for a second (not enough time to see what it is) and then an other with the message to hit a button and the process is ready.

My guess is that it should replace the crack automatically but even after I run it several times I still get the notification.
Perhaps this is a crack generator and creates the exe file I need in that little window that pops up,but even if that is the case,I have no idea where that exe is saved.

I am terribly sorry to bother you with all that but I am driving crazy with all that shit. :(
I understand that you are fameliar with the site and the forum so I would be really grateful if you could check it out…. Thenx for helping mate :headbang:
There is no such thing as a Crack Generator (by my knowledge that is) there are only key generators.

Post the link to the download you used and I'll check it out.
It probably works like a patch.
I had to uninstall it coz it was fucking with my start up menu.
Thenx anyway :headbang:

There are some programs that are used to generate cracks,so instead of downloading the exe file you download that and create the file yourself.
The are just not that common to find coz everybody just like to put the original crack on.

Thank you for helping.
If you know any other desktop clock calendar that work just let me know.