List your clock generator (James, Lasse, Ermz... you are welcome)

But then you would have 2ch of high quality AD/DA and the HEDD Pentode, Triode and Tape processing. :)

Yes of course but with settup I currently build, no need of extra I/O.
But I keep your recomandation in main;)

A good external clock make an audible difference!
But it is the last piece of the puzzle IMO.

Great recordings were done on a 002 or 003, 2626 or fireface 800....
But if you can get audible difference with clock, why not?
But you need to update all your chain according to this...

Probably go with isochrome ocx, but isn't my ending choice for moment (wait for Lasse comp before)...
Thanks for all this reply guys:worship:
I thinked this before but since I listen Lasse comp I changed my opinion...
compare by yourself

The first post after Lasse makes me tired:
"Originally Posted by space2012:
#1. it could be a low quality digital cable,"

One thing about digital technology: If you're running cables less than 15 feet (3meters), the quality of the cable doesn't matter. You CAN'T get bad sound because the digital data is going through a cheap cable. Impossible. Longer cheap cables might not last as long as more expensive cables (build quality),but the digital transmission (smpte, audio, sync, video, whatever) would be perfect. It's all 1010010001100101000. Simple as that. No shades of grey when you go digital. On-off. 1 or 0. No "ooh, that might have been a 0, so I induce less treble". Nope. If you're locked and synced: Awesome!'

Oh and you used a lightpipe, so that comment is even more stupid than I thought initially. Cheap optical cables transfer less light?

Carry on.