Keyboard Sample Advice


New Metal Member
Nov 3, 2008
So like, my band's keyboardist is in a bit of a hole. His presets are kind of garbage and we both have no idea where to begin on making good samples for recording our demo's and shiz. He HAS a sample box, but the presets aren't that great. The midi racks of his favorite keyboardists that he could use to straight replicate their sound is a little too expensive, so our best bet is just a midi controller plugged into a laptop.

With all of that being said, what software would you guys recommend for us to use? Anything with sampling thats simple, not extremely complicated, and with some good default, metal presets? Like, examples being Kalmah, CoB, Skyfire, Sonata Arctica, etc.

REALLY appreciate any advice, and thanks beforehand.
I have tried MANY soft synths, and for metal I would say check out Steinberg's Hypersonic. It's pretty good.
Yeah, I was using sampletank at my friend's house last night. It's pretty good. Although I'm not a keyboardist. But it had a lot of pretty good sounds.
Thanks for the tips, I'll try those as well.

On hypersonic, it does have some good sounds, specifically orchestra hits and the different harpsichords (although I'm still tinkering with it to try to get a much more defined initial STRIKE...I don't know how to describe it, but it's too soft) Doesn't really have the more electronic and abstract sounds though, or at least nothing close to them for me to try to figure out a way to create it for myself. But that's just my opinion off a first glance, I've yet to really scratch the surface with it.

For the record, Edirol Orchestra has one of the best harps I've yet to hear.