Live samples - this is how to do it cheap!


all gods fail...
Apr 14, 2007
Reading, UK
Following a previous thread where i was asking "if i could use Aptrigga to trigger samples live", i have solved my problem.
As i have discovered a relatively inexpensive way of triggering samples (sound effects and spoken word) during a live set i thought i would share this. For those of you who have any grasp of midi control ...stop reading ...i think this is really only useful for noobs. me!

I already own a very cheap e-drum module with midi out and what i wanted to be able to achieve was triggering using a pad or better still the HiHat switch pedal (that way i wouldn't have to reply on our drummer....) live samples. I also have a laptop and so i thought there must be a simple way of "calling off" samples via midi as and when i want them during the set (in which i am playing gtr).
i purchased an cheap Edirol MIDI-USB cable to complete the "trigger chain":
e-HiHat pedal > drum module > midi-usb cable > laptop

i downloaded freeware called Bomes MIDI Translator: and installed it on the laptop.
This translator allowed me to configure the midi-in signal from the HH pedal to a key stroke in windows. The keystroke i configured the pedal press to was "X" which is Next TRack in WinAmp
...So when WinAmp is running with my Live Samples Playlist loaded (i manually press play at the start of the set..)i just press the HH pedal to switch to the next track and hence play the next sample required.
Each sample has 1hour of silence tagged on its end so it can be "playing" in the background until i press next track.

As i said ...not a revelation to most of you but it took me a few weeks to work out how to set this up including reviewing loads of sampling software that could run in "sequential" mode etc but only load 9-10 samples at a time! In the end good 'ol WinAmp (or WMP) was all that was needed.

Very well done working that out dude. I don't play live so this is of no use to me, but I salute the fact that you found a cost effective solution to your problem.
A similar set up can be employed using Logic samplers on the laptop too..

Using the Behringer footswitch (the large midi one) you can assign each footswitch to a different sample.

A similar set up can be employed using Logic samplers on the laptop too..

Using the Behringer footswitch (the large midi one) you can assign each footswitch to a different sample.


The problem for me with a pedal board etc is that our 15 song set contains 30-40 samples and i would never be able to remember which is which on the night. A single pedal that just does "next" is best for my small brain:goggly:
The problem for me with a pedal board etc is that our 15 song set contains 30-40 samples and i would never be able to remember which is which on the night. A single pedal that just does "next" is best for my small brain:goggly:

nah dude, your way is awesome.
Less to tread on / break!

Dude, that is the most brilliant fucking jury-rigging I've heard in a long time! :rock: The hour-silence idea at the end of every sample is brilliant, cuz it means you can have it playing and just switch tracks, rather than having to hit "play" each time as well as switching tracks (obviously you know this, I'm just repeating it so I can grasp it's awesomeness myself). I can see myself having some serious use for this; the only way it could be even better is if the laptop could be removed from the equation, which I'm now gonna put my mind to. Thanks a ton!
Metaltastic - yes thats exactly what the silence is for. Now if you can find a way to take the lappy out of the equation.....:rock: