Aptrigga Question...


all gods fail...
Apr 14, 2007
Reading, UK
I have a simple 2 part question:
If i connect this (which only has midi out on channel10)

to this...

and that to this...

running Aptrigga, will it

a) work? ie. can i use a pad or hihat switch pedal to trigger audio samples (spoken word or movie sounds)from Aptrigga?
b) Can Aptrigga hold a sequence of samples so everytime i hit the pad or pedal it plays a new sample in a sequence i set?

thanks for any help!!!
...ok so i cant connect Aptrigga directly to the pad via midi? ...and if Battery is calling the sample what does Aptrigga do? I don't want this for drum sounds but for incidental samples when playing live....
Well, IMHO aptrigga actually CAN react to MIDI itself, so ... I think it should work.

And yes, aptrigga can hold up to 9 samples which can be played back in a sequence.
thanks. Is there a better solution than Aptrigga for holding a long sequence of different samples and then calling them off one by one by remote trigger??:erk:
PLEASE - i have trying to read up on this but in the end i dont want to down load and install loads of test?demo/trial software to find the answer.
I just want to know the what best/most suitable software is that will play a different sample (from a sequence i choose)everytime i hit the same single pedal/pad trigger??????

apTrigga will do what you are wanting it to. I have done it that way with an e-kit + DM5 into an Edirol MIDI->USB converter, into the Mac, into Cubase. Works both with EZDrummer and also just recording the MIDI and triggering sounds via apTrigga. Just set each instance of apT to "random" in the mode, load your samples and thats it.

Thanks, apreciated!....when you say "random mode" does that mean it will play any sample when i hit the pedal or the samples in order i wish?
AFAIK I haven't found a feature in apTrigga that allows you to set up certain samples for certain velocities. For that, you would have to get Drumagog, where it lets you set up velocity sets of samples. I would rather deal with having to replace some stuff manually (haven't had to yet though...) than deal with Drumagog's resource hogging BS. With Random mode in apT it will randomly choose a sample from the set of ~9 samples that you load into it every time it is triggered.

OK i see, but I don't need it to react to different velocites. All i need is to be able to trigger wavs of spoken word/sound effects at certain points in a given song when playing live. I only want to trigger these samples via a single pad/pedal/trigger which means i would like to be able to "que up" all the samples in a sequence for the total live set and call them off one by one as required. Does this make sense?
Man, I should really read the fucking manual. :lol:

I had no idea that I could set it up that way with apT in dynamic mode. Will have to try that out the next time I need it.

16S: I don't see why you couldn't set that up...

Cheers Guys!
Forbidden - yeah i would need more than 9 samples. Guess i could load more than i instance but i don't really wanna be fucking with it during the set.
My current plan although a little convoluted is the following: Run a pedal to midi-usb into the Laptop running a midi translator that will allow me to control WMP or WinAmp. So i can use a single pedal trigger to control "next track & play" in WMP or WinAmp. Cowboy and little amaturish i know....but inexpensive and interesting to set up......