Triggering Aptrigga with Midi


Mar 22, 2006
Recently ive started using Massey Dtm to detect my drum mic tracks to make trigger tracks as its fantastically accurate, ive then been using it to trigger aptrigga via midi.
Now, am i going insane, or does using the midi input on Aptrigga Negate the random Function??
things are sounding a bit too robot for my liking!!

Any ideas?
It works without any problem here.
Try this: make an instrument track and write some random hits in the midi track. Open Aptrigga and load 1 kick sample and 1 snare sample, select random, and play. If they are played randomly, it works.
Anyway I found a little problem. When I do what I've just explained, no sound comes out from the speaker (aptrigga doesn't recognize any input) but if I create another instrument track, copy the midi track into it and open another apTrigga on this track, it starts working
yeah ive had a simialr thing... Instrument tracks don't seem to work with it properly, so i do it the old fashioned way with a Midi Track and an aux input.
Good idea on how to check though!! thanks!
greyskull: Marcus had a thread about his MIDI not triggering when using Random mode, he found out using anything BUT 127 velocity would trigger properly.
It works without any problem here.
Try this: make an instrument track and write some random hits in the midi track. Open Aptrigga and load 1 kick sample and 1 snare sample, select random, and play. If they are played randomly, it works.
Anyway I found a little problem. When I do what I've just explained, no sound comes out from the speaker (aptrigga doesn't recognize any input) but if I create another instrument track, copy the midi track into it and open another apTrigga on this track, it starts working

It's because it's wrapped and Pro Tools doesn't seem to assign an instrument output to wrapped instruments right away. Open your mixer window and make sure the "Instrument" tab is visible (right click Inserts or Sends and make sure Instrument is checked off). When you first add apTrigga you'll see the one field stays at "none". Click this field and change it to route to that instance of apTrigga and it will work. Alternatively, just add apTrigga, drag it to a different insert slot on the same track and then drag it back to the first slot and it should change the output automatically.