Reaper Midi

Jul 16, 2008
So im trying to play my yamaha dtxplorer in to my profire 2626s midi in into reaper triggering SSD in the kontakt player. All is good except the snare and bass drum aren't being triggered by the kit when everything else is. I have some friends coming down to record some scratch tracks for acoustic drums later, and I'm hoping to figure this out.

Sorry if this is a dumb question but i'm terrible when it comes to midi and linking everything together. I want to record these scratch tracks so i have a feel for the songs and everything when i go to mic up the kit

EDIT: I conquered my fear of MIDI and wrote a drum map for Steven slate drums using the JS midi_keymap plugin. PM me if anyone reading this needs it.

Thanks for your ideas Rhys
So im trying to play my yamaha dtxplorer in to my profire 2626s midi in into reaper triggering SSD in the kontakt player. All is good except the snare and bass drum aren't being triggered by the kit when everything else is. I have some friends coming down to record some scratch tracks for acoustic drums later, and I'm hoping to figure this out.

Sorry if this is a dumb question but i'm terrible when it comes to midi and linking everything together. I want to record these scratch tracks so i have a feel for the songs and everything when i go to mic up the kit

To me it sounds like a MIDI note issue. (Not channel).

Do you know how to change the MIDI notes?... for instance, your snare may be on 35, but it's triggering 42 right now?

Or alternatively, I don't have SSD yet, but maybe it has a MIDI learn facility?

*Apparently page 18 on the user manual may help you out here, if you have it handy. I don't own a DT, but had similar issues with my Roland TD kit... TD... DT... Coincidence? Spooky :p

But still, simplest way, so you're not sat in front of your computer then jumping back and forth to your drum set... Skip through each note, hitting the snare on each hit until you find the triggers.

I hope that helps.