Recording midi in reaper problem.


Jun 13, 2007
Having a problem recording midi with Reaper.
Got my keyboard's midi out hooked up to the back of my firepod to the midi input, set my track in Reaper to record arm with all midi channels selected. Getting nothing at all from it. It's a new cable and I've tried different keyboards with it.
I'm guessing it's something simple I'm missing here but I've not a clue- can't seem to find anything more I should be doing. Pretty annoying cause I've got some nice synths and VSTi's I'd like to be able to use and to actually play in the keys without having to programme them up instead.

I've got an older version of reaper- V1.885 I think, but I don't think thats the problem, I've not had any problems with it in drawing in midi so far
make sure you have the MIDI device selected in the Audio tools: Preferences > Audio > MIDI device

I had a few glitches getting Reaper to see my M-Audio USB keyboard, needed a few re-starts but once it showed up there and I was able to add/select it, all was well.

Hope this helps!
Sound! Thats all it was! didn't think I'd need to do anything like that- I just assumed it would already be looking at my firepod for any midi inputs when I selected my interface as the audio device.