Problem Programming Drums via MIDI - Drumagog 5


Jan 3, 2011
Hey everyone,

I have a problem with triggering drumagog using the MIDI in function. The way I have it set up right now is separate instances of drumagog on mono instrument tracks in ProTools 9. Each instance is set to a different MIDI note, and all of the MIDI triggers properly. Doing the actual programming is a little weird because I have to select the instrument track corresponding to whatever part of the kit I want to program, but that isn't the big problem.

The hits being triggered via MIDI are VERY in-accurate. Sometimes a drum will double trigger, and other times it won't trigger certain hits at all. completely random. I am using the advanced triggering mode with delay compensation on. What am I doing wrong? :erk:

Sometimes MIDI note durations can affect Drumagog's triggering. Notes being too long can confusing Drumagog with their note-off messages. A potential fix could be to shorten all the MIDI notes to as short as possible.

Also, setting this up on an Audio Track and having a separate MIDI track is actually the normal way it should be set up. Most DAWs don't recognize Drumagog as an insert on MIDI or instrument tracks anyway. Doing it this could improve your situation.


WaveMachine Labs