KeyClub IM PreShow w/TIMS on 2/18

The maidens were great as allways. It was great hanging out with all the fan club members.
Talking to sam dunn was really cool.
Talking to the Maidens after is allways great. Nice girls.

Now about Metal Fools (I mean Metal Skool ). I know it's thier night at the Key club and I thank whoever let the Maidens play there that night. But I thought M S were a bunch of idiot's !

I'm all for girl's showing off there Ta Ta's , I'm fine with that. That's good fun Rock n Roll stuff ! What I didn't like was the way they talked to the girls on stage. What a bunch of creeps ! I can't believe the girls were lining up for that.(I get that this is part of thier act) Any way they sucked as musicans.

The Iron Maidens blew them of the stage that night !:rock::notworthy With thier talent and they looked cute doing it also. That to me is girl power !

The girls set list was really fun Thanks for Different World.
Linda your so brave , My husband Mike handed you his IM van shoe to sign and you sniffed it :lol: Your so lucky that he only were's them to Maiden or Maidens shows so they were pretty new.

All I can say is you girls rocked it again :rock: .
So I am not the only female offended by the stage talk of Metal Skool. I watched some of their videos on You Tube and it is just depressing how sexist they talk. Maybe it is all part of an act, but still I would not pay $20 or even $2 to hear that kind of talk onstage. The video online with Kelly Clarkson and the garbage they say to her is unbelievable too.
It is all part of their act. Metal Skool is a PARODY of the 80's metal scene. They guys are actually great musicians. Go listen to the Atomic Punks! You might recognize some faces. :lol:

Atomic punks are great that shocks me.

Ok so it's the act that I don't like . I'll take back the bad musicians part. I think the act is stupid . I'm more about the music and I wasn't really into the hair bands that they play. There just not what I'm into.

It's all good I loved seeing the Maidens go on befor them and rock the house.:rock: