Kick Ass LOG style multi for you to mix with amps DIs and real drums


Aug 2, 2007
I am up to my ears in metal lately:kickass:

Just finished an EP for a really tight Lamb of God type band.
They were kind enough to let me share the files for a song for you guys to mix.
Full live kit with triggers (overheads are hats left, ride right)
Ibanez bass to Warwick tubepath 5 to warwick 410 cab plus bass DI.
ESP MI NTB to Mesa MK4 to Recto cab plus DIs for all guitars.
The MK4 kills on this but re-amp if you want practice.

My mix

Files (google docs sorry)

Looking forward to hearing some mixes!

PLEASE indicate what you used for guitars etc.
Included amps or what sim etc.
I would be really interested in what EQ you needed to do to included amp tracks and drums.
I will check the mixes out later.
PLEASE indicate what you used for guitars etc.
Included amps or what sim etc.
I would be really interested in what EQ you needed to do to included amp tracks and drums.

Here is my overhead eq.
There are resonances at about 280 and 900 and the kit sounds much clearer if you kill them.
Any studio I have recorded in has had a "hum" at about 900 on the overheads.
First thing I look for when mixing drums.
Nice EQ, it seems cool since you have good highs in the overheads.

Ok some info on what I done. The more "special" things, otherwise it's alot of work to explain all the chains.

For drums I got some ideas from previous threads. Your own "Veins" thread, got me trying some compression on the overheads. Also tried some other high shelf EQ. I have the MleQ Nebula library, so I tried the high shelf from there. Right now it's hard to say for me if it's too harsh or not (tired ears). I thought it worked better than the "normal" EQs though. Also put quite some compression on the room track, inspired by JeffTD's drums on the Chrystal Mountain cover thread. For the rest I used no extra samples on the drums, only the tracks included.

On bass I used both of your tracks. The amp track slightly mixed in for some more fat sound. For the rest a cut in the lowmids (around 160 and 400Hz), Waves Bassrider, some little compression and that's about it.

For guitars I reamped through a 6505 with a Marshall 1960Lead cab. It's an oldie which I hardly used lately, but I got quite a nice result yesterday (Chrystal Mountain thread) so I used it here too. Not much effects, just some "harshness" EQ, HP@106 and LP@8kHz. And just a tad of C4 to keep the lows controlled.

I edited the vocals quite alot (aligned), I don't know if it's desired, or if it's better to not do too much. But I have to experiment some with this. Also some slight EQ and CLA-76 comps (Bluey) with about 7dB of reduction.

That's about it I guess. Any tips, do's and don'ts would be nice. :)
I will have a listen once my daughter goes to bed.
How did you find the DIs for re-amping?
I find the MI really easy to get a sound from compared to most of the EMG 81 DIs you get on this forum.
Probably due to the Duncan custom custom.
I have one in my PRS too and it's also easy to get a sound from.
Yes these DIs are indeed easy to get warmer and nicer tones with. Got way less "harshness problems" with these than with most EMG81 DIs. But I have to say I'm a big fan of Duncan pickups anyways. I use them all the time lately. Never really cared for EMG81s (though I had them for quite awhile, were great for live use) or other active pickups.
XxSicRokerxX killed it!! Sounds awesome. did you do any drum replacement? Specifically the kick and snare?
Thanks mickrich for the raw-tracks!! :)
my try:

any feedback welcome! :)

rythm-guitars are reamped trough a Laboga Mr. Hector / Engl Vintage 4x12" Cab / Audix I5-Mic / lots of eq
kick as a second sample blended-in (LSD-Sample)
snare has no third-partity-samples, but i've cutted a good sounding single-snare-hit from the real snare track and blended it in for more consistency. little eq / some transient-desing / paralell-comp ect.

have you recorded and edited these tracks? if yes, here is some feedback to the raw-tracks:

- pay way more attention to the singers performance! the doubles are super-untight, i had to edit alot of it.
- have you changed the mic during the vocal-session? some phrases sound completly different than others. (maybe tracked on two days? or the singer changed the distance to the mic?)
- the vocals have a lot of room-sound. some fiberglass-panels around the singer would help.

- be careful during slip-editing, lots of atifacts in the overheads!
- pay more attention to the drummers performace / consistency. (snare / tom-rolls at the end)

- tracking / performance could be tighter
- the right-DI-track has some big level-changes during the song which affects the gain/tone/attack.

no offense, just some construcive feedback to you ;) mixing this was a lot of fun!!

thanks again for the raw-tracks man! i really appreciate it! now i move on to your Death-Metal-track.... ;)

cheers, markus
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Hi, what the name of the band and song? Just so i can put a name to a riff etc. Enjoyed mixing this and the poster who mentioned that all the mixes are different, so's mine!

k.h.e, really impressed with that snare sound!

I only used AmplitubeMetal, PodFarm and EZMix 2 for my reapms along with the original raw gtr tracks too, I reamped the Di Bass for a bass distortion to sit in there. This was mixed on headphones (late at night) and I need to sort the toms out. Agreed with poster re lots of noise but then again I am a rank amateur at this so what do i know 2.mp3