Kick/Bass relationship (Wagner/DFHS)


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Hey fellas!

Overall I am quite happy with this mix, although I am not sure about the kick drum. I added a lot of lows on the kick and am unsure if it isn't a bit overwhelming. I do like bottom heavy mixes and compared to metal I prefer the lowend on electro or hiphop tracks ... but obviously there has to be a trade-off.

How would you rate the amount of low-end in the kick? And does it interfere with the bassguitar on your system?

Check the track here:

Any comments are appreciated!!
Funny thing, listening on a very bassy sytem and would not call it boomy in a way a lot of other mixes seem to be. I look at it as a a cool effect that maybe has to be worked out a bit more, but should not be taken on "regular" mixing.
Thanks guys. Just listened in the car and hate the guitar tone now, haha ...

The kick is my old Tama Starclassic Kicksample sent thru a Waves API 550B EQ, thats all.

6 tracks of guitars (an old American BC Rich Warlock with hella old strings (2 years maybe?)) into Firepod.

2 tracks rhythm: Wagner Sharp VST
2 tracks rhythm: Tubescreamer VST > JCM 900 VST
2 tracks lead/melody: JCM 900 VST

Drums are DFHS with sample replacement on every drum.
Something does seem a bit squishy to me.. whatever that means haha. Possibly, it is that somethings are fighting for a certain spot.
I don't think it's the super low woof.. I like that (I like bottom heavyness too)... and it should be out of the way most of the time cause it lags a bit, and there's room in this music.

I think the meat.. the solidness closer to the attack of the kick is TOO meaty if anything. I would try hollowing it out a bit somewhere.
haha i like it:) although the kick does seem to be making the mix pump quite abit. it is probs because of all that bottem end in the bass guitar... i was gonna say sumthin else, but my minds just gone blank!
Not picking up much bass here at all. Mix actually sounds a little on the thin and hollow side. I'd say focus less on the subs and look at filling up that range from 80 to 120 a bit. As the others say the kick is pumping things a bit, but I think that's mainly because you've misappropriated the low-end. Cut its peak resonance a bit and you should have plenty more headroom and a more even bass sound to boot.
From what I can tell, there is too much sub-bass in the kick and not enough low end in the bass guitar. It sounds very cool nevertheless!

I'm familiar with that kick sample. It sounds very cool but it does have a ton a super low end in it! I would high pass a lot of that out with a steep filter at 40-50hz and perhaps a narrow rip at 110hz.