Kick Drum Samples - 24" BLX Kick

Something's wrong with the file. Couldn't unpack it! I'm looking for some tom samples though - 3 rack and 2 floor. Anyone?
Thanks JS - glad it may be useful for you.

I will get some more up after the holidays - I should have a bunch of time to sit and go through the single hit sample sessions on a bunch of kits.
Let me see if I remember!

24" BLX Pearl Kick - Birch, from early 90's

Mics - D112 inside, 10" Subkick-type for some low end, an SM81 about 6' away, an Oktava MK012 a few feet above.

Ran through a True Systems Precision 8

What combo of the above mics is beyond me, just played til it sounded like something usable.

The usual EQ stuff, cutting the low-mid mud between 300-500. A little bump around 3k for attack.