Kickass Music Videos!!!


Endemic Vagabond
Feb 16, 2004
well, i finally got a burner working, so, now i need some badass music videos - problem is, i have no idea where to get them!
so far i have 2 behemoth videos, and i got 'em from the site, can anyone recommend anywhere else i can get some?
id have to say the funniest (most retarded) video is the sammy hagar - i cant drive fifty five video
its so stupid its hilarious
ive found the god of emptiness video on kazaa, but i cant get it from any users.
smae with the black winter day video from amorphis, and the lack of comprehension video from death. or any immortal videos!
ive been a little weary of dc++ cause it gives whoever wants it access to your full computer - but i want some damn videos.
Just thinking of Rhapsody videos, which are fairly humerous do they have quite a tight budget or something as I recall the video for "Power of the Dragonflame" I think and they're playing on a train track in a forest and as the camera sways around you can see a greenhouse in someones garden.

What about "Hearts on Fire?" come on.