Kid Rock punks out Tommy Lee.

What the hell...people arguing and it has nothing to do with who the singer in Anthrax is???:OMG::lol:
My musical tastes vary quite a bit. I'm not one of those people locked into a genre and tell other people the stuff they listen to sucks. I mean, i listen to everything from classical to even "regular rock"....hell..i like old Country too...

I remember back in...oh jeez...1994 or '95 ...The Misfits were co-headlining with Anthrax. i had been in the miltary for quite a few years and had become somewhat disjointed from the new shit that had been coming out for a few years. I had heard that John Bush was the new singer...and since I had the 1st Armored Saint album, well...I thought that Bush and Anthrax was an odd mix. I can't say i liked it. Anyway, Anthrax opened up for the 'fits on this date...I heard they were rotating the headlining. I was not impressed with Anthrax...while the music sounded great, I did not like the way John sang the Joey songs. IMHO, it just didn't fit. But hey...that's just my opinion. I never purchased any of the Bushthrax albums, and I was stoked when Joey came back. ...fuckers didn't hit Dallas on the reunion I didn't get to see it...but oh well...that's life.

I don't think Anthrax owes me anything...hell..they don't owe anyone anything. I guess slagging on other bands' styles (just my opinion, mind you) is somewhat juvenile at best. It reminds me of when I was in high school back in the 80's where people would get in pissing contests about which band was better. for "Why am i here?" ...i peruse the boards and I do occasionally post in this forum. Don't know why you even asked the question. when you post something on a board - it is there for scrutiny. Some responses may be good, some may be bad - it comes with the territory. Don't post something if you aren't prepared for a negative response. As a person that runs a couple of messageboards, I know this. Some people may not.

Take it as you will....

Peace... :)
ah... then i read this post. so i want to state my previous one was tongue in cheek, but i still think the crue sucks balls.
Tommy lee calls Kid Rocks Punch, more of a "Bitch Slap"
Kid Rock responds by saying "That's right, I slapped a Bitch"
notice they barely played kid rock material

CMT...wrong audience for Kid Rock's material. They used this show to expand Kid Rock's audience. Country music fans aren't going to give Kid Rock a chance if he plays Bawitdaba. I guess they could have done a re-worked version of Only God Knows Why or Lonely Road Of Faith.
these 2 fags couldn't beat themselves up, throw that pussy axle rose in there for a pansy triple threat match. they can all bitch slap each other and yell threats from behind their security teams.
these 2 fags couldn't beat themselves up, throw that pussy axle rose in there for a pansy triple threat match. they can all bitch slap each other and yell threats from behind their security teams.

didn't axl jump off stage and bet someone up for taking his picture