Kids pick up on things so easily...


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fairfield, CT (USA)
I was visiting my cousin this weekend, and of course, it's always entertaining to play with her <2 year old kid. here are a few things he picked up from me:

KICK ELMO! (he wouldnt stop until we hid elmo on a closet, then he cried until we let him kick elmo some more)

"hey joey, who's president?"
"ja bush"
"who isnt president?"
"al gaw"

"do you like ralph nader?"
"NO!" *frowns*

my cousin's brother in law works for rockstar, so they have plenty of rockstar energy drinks, and joey has a rockstar hat and shirt, and loves to say it... so my brother asked him
"joey, what's this?"

"do you like communists?"

ah, easily corruptable minds :)
Yeah sometimes the things they pick up on are kind of disturbing. I am a camp counselor in the summer and my first year I definitely had two eight year olds mime masturbation at one another and make sex noises. I it isn't really mime then is it? You get the idea though.
Oh yeah Ben, cause you always do your work when you are supposed to.
Also, why is Al Gore coming into the picture now? Wouldn't Kerry be a more logical choice since Gore is no longer even remotely a threat?