kill me, kill me now

my friend trish was part of a jury once who was charged with judging a woman accused of "driving while intoxicated" because she was stoned while driving. they went in the back room and the foreman was like "ok, who here has smoked weed?" and everyone except this one anus-mouthed old lady raised their hands.

everyone voted not guilty except the old lady and they ganged up on her and threatened her until she relented. not guilty!
Remeber that that nation cannot function well if ethnic stereotypes are not reinforced via the jury system. So go out there and do your best! Sleep or no sleep, if he has pigments, he's guilty.

Taking up the reigns for our departed Serbian brethren....
haha, totally. she probably also thought they had formed a "drug brotherhood" and were voting her not guilty just because she was a fellow w33dsm0k3r (actually, the police had made a mistake the defence attorney uncovered and hadn't performed proper sobriety checks, and she was charged after a later drug test showed she'd smoked weed at some point in the past month or whatever, and they tried to argue that she was probably definitely high based on those results).
Ass-covering. Nice.
Saw a really cool cop-related thing when I went to Traffic court following an accident:

Judge: Ma'am, says here you were going.....let's see....46 in a 45 mph zone....(looks at cop) Uh, what happened?
Cop: I, uh, I thought it was a 35 zone, sorry.
Judge: Ma'am you're free to go. Try to slow down next time.
Woman: Thanks.
My hometown is where the old people go. When one needs a birthday card for that aunt who just turned 110, they come here and get 'em along with a spare just in case she hits 111. Naturally, speeding is a major concern. Therefore, they have given citizens radard guns along the most problem plauged streets.
Said people can issue warnings. If you get enough, you will then be formally charged.Fortunately, everyone has cataracts and winds up marking the speed of the one black man left in town as he hobbles to the store to be accused of trying to hold it up desapite barely having the strength needed to pull back his lips into a smile left.
<<< cooking a meal, driving to a 2.5 hour summer class, having a nasty credit card dispute, working out prelim terms on a book deal on 2 hours sleep.
no, i don't have a car and it was way out in MA on a workday (i was borrowing my roommates at the time, for a concert at the tweeter center). i had no way of getting to a court date. it was really crappy.

it was pretty shitty...there was a tanker accident on the highway, so nobody could get to the tweeter center for hours; it closes at 10:00pm and it was about 9:40 when i was racing around the corner right nearby it. i ended up missing the show. also, two other cars got pulled over while i was sitting there, by two OTHER cop cars, so it was obvious that three cop cars parked around the corner, tagging people rushing to get to the show because of a fucking accident making them miss every single band except for the last five minutes of weezer, possibly, going 49 mph past a 45mph sign. MONEY MAKING for mansfield.